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Frequently Asked Questions

Angela Laverick CIMI

Updated: May 6, 2021

When is the best time to join a course?

The group course is suitable from birth to 12 months. I leave it up to you to decide when you feel ready to get out to a class. The skills taught benefit babies immediately and equally it is never too late to join. New courses start every half term in various locations around Durham.

How much are the classes?

The 5 week course is currently £55, payable in full at the time of booking. Payment can be made via PayPal or Bank Transfer.

Can my partner come along too?

Absolutely! They are always welcome. Baby Massage is a great way for all the family to bond. During the Covid-19 restrictions only one adult per baby may attend.

I have twins, do I pay for them both?

The price you pay is per family, so there is no extra charge for twins.

Why don't you do drop in classes?

Massage is something we do with our babies, not to them. Alongside learning the techniques you will also learn how to listen to and respect your baby. Although there are many recognised therapeutic benefits the classes should not be seen for purely this. There is so much more to learn about your baby through nurturing touch and the five week course facilitates this perfectly.

What are the benefits?

There are so many benefits for both your baby and you too! They fall into four categories - relaxation, relief, stimulation and communication. Some of the more common benefits for your baby can include better sleep, help with easing colic, bonding and connecting with your baby and stimulation of the bodily systems. Read more on the benefits here.

How long is a class?

Each class is 90 minutes long. This is longer than most other Baby Massage classes and gives you the opportunity to experience practical massage, learn about an aspect or two of Baby Massage and take part in a guided discussion topic too. There are refreshments provided which really helps to create a nurturing environment for everyone ( refreshments will return once Covid-19 restrictions are lifted). There is no rush in these sessions, after all relaxation is a huge part of massage.

How many people are in the group?

Group sessions run with no more than 8 families. Small classes mean that nobody gets overwhelmed, everybody gets the opportunity to join in and get to know each other.

During Covid-19 restrictions classes are limited to 6 families due to space and the need to distance at 2 metres.

Who massages my baby?

You do. As an instructor I demonstrate the massage strokes an a doll for parents to copy. Massage provides a deep emotional connection so the person massaging the baby should always be someone close to the baby such as a primary carer.

What if my baby sleeps, feeds, or cries through the session?

That's fine! I will always encourage you to see to your baby's needs during the classes. The sessions are completely baby led so we listen to and respect when babies have had enough and never force massage on to a baby. We want massage to be a positive experience. There are still opportunities to learn the strokes and take part in the class. In the first session you will learn about your baby's 'behavioural states' and understand how to identify the best time to massage them. This may not always be during class. We always ask our babies permission for massage and listen and respond to their cues. I have spare dolls in class to practice on if needed, we review the stokes learned in previous sessions the following week and we provide detailed colour booklets to use as prompt to enjoy massage together when the time is right. You should feel you have plenty of opportunity during the class to learn these valuable skills, no matter how much massage you achieve that day. Find out what a typical class looks like here.

Are you qualified?

Yes. I qualified as a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI) with the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) in 2005 and have been teaching ever since. I hold IAIM membership which ensures I have access to updates and additional trainings.

Is massage for all babies?

Yes, massage is great for all babies and all parents. Massage can be particularly beneficial where there are special circumstances or needs This course focuses on listening to babies and focusing on their needs around touch and beyond. Please contact me to discuss your babies, or your additional needs further if you would like more information on how I can support you.

If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact me for more information.

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